Obstetrics >> Pregnancy: Safe Medications for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Safe Medications for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pain, Fever
Tylenol 650-1000 mg. Every 4 hours as needed.
Nasal Congestion / Sinus Congestion
Sudafed 30-60 mg. every 4-6 hours. Do not use in first trimester or during breastfeeding.
Afrin 12 hours nasal spray at bedtime.   Not more than three days in a row.
Saline nasal spray
Benadryl 25 mg. Every 6-8 hours.
Claritan daily.  (Not Claritan D)
Zyrtec 10 mg. daily
Robitussin DM 2-4 teaspoons every 4-6 hours as needed.
Dextromethoraphan every 4-6 hours as needed.
Add Sudafed if your nose is dripping.  Avoid in first trimester and during breastfeeding.
Any sore throat or cough lozenge is okay.
Fiber products: Metamucil, Citracel, Fibercon, Benefiber.
Stool softeners:
  · Colace one tablet 2-3 times a day
  · Pericolace one tablet 1-3 times a day
  · Senekot one tablet 1-3 times a day (more stimulation)
Laxatives: Castor oil, Mild of Magnesia, Ex-Lax, Correctal, Fleets enema okay, Miralax as directed on bottle.
Immodium liquid or capsules as directed on the box.  May use after 24 hours of diarrhea. (NOT Kaopectate)
Mylicon 80 mg. One chewable tablet after meals and at bedtime.
Gas-Ex one chewable tablet after meals and at bedtime.
NoTums EX or Ultra.  One to two tablets at a time. Max: 8 per day.
NoMylanta or Maalox.  Take as directed on bottle.  Better choice if already burning.
NoZantac 75 mg. After meals and bedtime. Great drug to prevent heartburn.
Pepcid AC for heartburn after eating.
Dramamine or Immitrol as directed on package.
Vitamin B6 50mg 3 t.
Benadryl 25-50mg. one hour before bedtime.
Tylenol PM, Unisom, Chamomile tea, melatonin, hot bath.
Anusol cream, tucks pads.
Yeast Infection
3 day product like Monistat 3.  Insert into vagina at any time in pregnancy.
DO NOT Use Any Aspirin Products:
Excedrin, Kaopectate, Nyquil, Pepto-Bismol.

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